Chicory looking photogenic on the stairs

spring is in the air

It’s Spring-time in the Northern Hemisphere. Here in Southeastern Michigan that means one thing—you can’t count on the weather. It’s been warming up, freezing, raining, snowing, and sunny, often in the same week—the usual experience.

With the not-so-reliably-nicer weather, I would normally be getting back outside and getting my exercise routine back on track after a winter of being sedentary. A lot of that lack of movement was for good reason, though: In the Fall, I’d hurt the muscles in my feet and it had been quite painful to walk, let alone bike or run. I’d opted to take it easy, rest my feet, and hopefully start this Spring in good shape.

Unfortunately, my body had other ideas. As you may have read, I found out that I had two Pulmonary Embolisms. Following that diagnosis, I experienced some odd and concerning symptoms that took me to the Emergency Room where I found out I was having a scary migraine. On top of my high blood pressure, I now get to experience having a pharmacy in my bathroom cabinet in order to manage everything, which isn’t how I was expecting to spend my mid-30s.

After all of that, I was still experiencing pain in both of my feet, so I went back to the doctor and was told I had Plantar Fasciitis. Even though I’d been taken off of restrictions from the Embolisms, I now had to rest (more) for the severe muscle strain in my feet. On top of this, I also needed to get new, more supportive shoes and slippers to wear around the house to help with treatment. On the bright side, the better shoes and slippers seem to be making a huge difference and I think I might be able to get back on my feet (pun definitely intended) sooner than anticipated.

Another thing that I’ve been working on as the weather has improved is getting back behind my camera. It’s a hobby that I’ve practiced for the better part of 20 or more years at this point and I’d love to do something with it. I’m working on planning out a few different ideas for projects to do so that I have a reason to keep it going. Just the other day, I opportunistically took some admittedly adorable photos of my cat because she was being extra cute in a puddle of sunshine. It’s probably the most fun I’ve had with a camera in a long time and it happened on a whim.

Chicory looking photogenic on the stairs

Along these lines, in preparation for getting back out on my bike, I decided to pick up a small, point and shoot camera that would easily fit in my handlebar bag or hip pack (and that I wouldn’t be devastated if I dropped or broke) so I could have a camera with my on my rides. I know what you’re going to say, “Why don’t you just use your phone to take photos or videos while you’re on your bike?”

I’ll tell you why:

  1. A dedicated camera is easier to take out, get the photo, and put away quickly and easily
  2. A point and shoot camera is cheaper than my phone and my main camera if I drop it, so it’ll hurt less if it breaks (and I’ll still have my phone)
  3. It scratched the itch for new camera gear while also not breaking the bank.

I think these are more than enough good(ish) reasons.

Between preparing some potential photo projects and having a more portable, convenient camera to carry with me on a daily basis I’m hoping I can do more with photography this year. One of my goals for this year is to get a portfolio together. Another is to curate a series of photos to make available as prints. All that is on top of training and competing in at least three races this year… on top of recovering and getting a late start. We’ll see how things go.


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